
Showing posts from March, 2020

Use Cucumber for Cooling and Hydrating Effect The Benefits of Cucumber for skin 🥒

Use Cucumber for Cooling and Hydrating Effect The Benefits of Cucumber for skin We have identified the health care system we need right after climate change. The rich blends and heavy oils we sweat in winter can do more harm than good during the hot months. Once the weather starts to dry, your skin needs the boost of hydration, vitamins and antioxidants. Shaved creams and facial creams are refreshing, creamy facial and a little soft. But, of course, the fireplace, the natural vegetation cover you can make at home can be very helpful. One of the best things you can do for your skin in this area is to treat it with a kind of cucumber face mask. Cucumber has many benefits for your skin, so it is no surprise that it is included in many skin care products. The Benefits of Cucumber for skin We already know how beneficial cucumber is to the health and well-being of our whole body. That's why we often use it in salads, smoothies, or water. But even if applied topically,

DIY Hair mask : Honey+ Avocado + Coconut oil

DIY Hair mask : Honey+ Avocado + Coconut oil Our recipe combines the moisturizing, nourishing effects of coconut oil and avocado with our raw honey to seal in all that goodness, leaving your hair silky and shining all day long and your scalp flake-free.  Ingredients 2 Tbsp of pure & raw honey 2 Tbsp coconut oil 1 ripe avocado How to apply : First Peel and pit the avocado Slightly warm the coconut oil in a bowl. Add in the avocado, honey, and mix until creamy. Apply from the scalp to the ends of the hair (if the scalp is oily, apply only to the ends) Wrap hair in a towel or shower cap Leave for 15-20 minutes Rinse well and follow with a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Use once weekly. Yes, it’s a bit messy; I find it easiest to apply in small sections, then comb through. Share with friends.

Natural Home Remedy to get rid of Hair dandruff.

Natural Home Remedy to get rid of  Hair dandruff. Dandruff mostly occurs due to dry and irritated skin, growth of bacteria and fungus on the scalp, causing itchiness with excessive formation of dry skin flakes. But don’t worry today Beauty mirror brings a unique remedy to get rid from this problem. So let’s treat it naturally at home with my this easy remedy 🤩 Ingredients : 1 egg yolk 🥚 Half cup yogurt 3 or 4 Evion Vitamin E capsules 💊 coconut or olive oil 🥥 1 lemon 🍋 2 tsp grind (powdered)sugar Aloe vera gel Method : Take a bowl add coconut oil , egg , yogurt, Vit E capsule, 1 freshly squeezed lemon juice . Mix them altogether. Now add remaining ingredients sugar , aloe vera gel . Apply to your scalp and hair like a mask cover it with shower cap and leave it on for an hour. Rinse off with your usual shampoo 🧴 Do this right before your shower daily for best results. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions about Skin and health care , Beauty Mirror is

Want thick long and strong hair by using Banana Mask

W ant thick long and strong hair by using Banana Mask  Many factors such as aging, your environment, stress and hormone levels can cause your hair to fall out. Hair thinning is not completely preventable, but there are many strategies you can use to make your hair look fuller. Bananas are a rich source of potassium and herbal sugar. These two nutrients nourish your hair and make it grow longer and stronger. So I tell you a simple trick to use a banana for your hair. This amazing hair mask is very easy to make and extremely easy to use. These include the following ingredients: Banana Coconut oil Honey Egg Tea Tree Oil (optional) Peel the skin of banana and mash the banana pulp in a bowl. Now add 1 tablespoon honey and One tablespoon of coconut oil in banana pulp. Mix them well. Crack up the egg and separate the yellow part from it, add this yellow part in the mix. If you have itchy scalp and see skin flakes coming off, then you can add 5 drops of Tea tree oil

Guide :Ideal Brush for Your Hair Be Careful While Choosing.

Guide :Ideal Brush for Your Hair Be Careful While Choosing. If you've had the same wooden brush for years, it's definitely time to upgrade. The fact is that, like anything else, in the end your brush will show signs of wear. Experts recommend a hairbrush change every year (assuming you use yours twice a day). Your hair will get the benefits of a good quality brush, so you don’t skimp on something cheap without looking at its benefits, the material it’s made of and the bristles. The better the hair brush, the better the hair. As with any type of hair tool, whether it is heated or unheated, it is always best to choose a good quality hair when you cut your hair. If you find your brush for a better day, our guide will help you make the best decision for your hair type. We've compiled our top options below. See the full article below for a detailed review of each option. Types of hair brushing Paddle brush Paddle brushes come in various sizes and sizes. Th

Public advice :Coronavirus disease and Precautions (COVID-19)

Public advice :Coronavirus disease and Precautions (COVID-19)  Keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 outbreak information available on the WHO website and through the national and local public health office. Most infected people experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more serious for others. Take care of your health and protect others by following these steps: Precautions for COVID-19    Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus Wash your hands often Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with an alcohol hand towel or wash them with soap and water. Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or rubbing your hands on an alcohol basis kills the viruses that may be on your hands. Keep your social distance Keep at least 1 meter away from yourself and anyone who coughs or sneezes. Why? When someone coughs or sneezes, they spray small droplets of fluid from the nose or mouth that may contain the virus. If you are too close, you can bre

Recipe: Beetroot And Carrot Juice Benefits Must try.

Here’s Why You Should Drink Beetroot And Carrot Juice Every Day! The beautiful and bright color of the beet is hard to miss, as is its distinctive taste. Beet juice is the new super food in the bay. In addition to its many health benefits, many like to add carrots to the juice. These two miracle vegetables are responsible for increasing your blood flow, reducing blood pressure, detoxifying the body, and preventing health problems; thanks to the presence of many essential nutrients and antioxidants. Adding tomatoes, ginger, mint and a pinch of black salt and black pepper makes it perfectly tasty for many who may not like its taste. If you haven't included this juice in your daily diet yet, you should probably start soon. We will offer you six incredible benefits of beet juice from drinking this healthy drink every day. Gives you glowing skin Manages your blood pressure A great way to naturally detoxify Increases energy and endurance Lowers blood sugar

What is Aromatherapy? How does this treatment work for me?

What is Aromatherapy?  Aromatherapy treatment, which uses natural plant extracts to promote healing and holistic health and well-being. Sometimes it's called essential oil therapy . Aromatherapy aromatic use of essential oils to improve the medicinally to heal the body, the mind and the spirit. And this is done, both physical and emotional health.Aromatherapy therapy or essential oil, refers to a range of traditional, alternative or complementary therapies in those sweet spices, essential oils and other use of the composition of their Revolutions. Use Lavender Oil for  better Sleep How does this treatment work for me? For aromatherapy lavender oil can enhance sleep quality and increase time in a deep, slow-wave sleep. Benefits of Aromatherapy Aromatherapy has many types of benefits. Say: use the pains changes in sleep patterns reduce stress, anger, and anxiety Stir pus Topical medications and migraine fight against bacteria, virus, or fung

Amazing Benefits of Green tea for health

GREEN TEA BENEFITS FOR HEALTH CARE Green tea is loaded with nutrients and plant compounds that can have positive effects on health. This includes powerful antioxidants called catechins, which may help protect against cancer. In fact, several studies show that people who drink green tea are significantly less likely to get different types of cancer, compared with those who do not drink it. In general, studies indicate that consuming green tea can help you consume an additional 75-100 calories per day. Although it may seem like a small amount, it can contribute to significant weight loss in the long run. Other possible benefits of drinking green tea include immune system support, improved brain function, improved dental health and a lower risk of arthritis. 4 The Best Times to Drink Green Tea 1. Don’t drink too much early in the evening Drinking green tea on an empty stomach in the morning can cause adverse effects on the liver because of its high catechin c

My First Blog Post -Beauty Mirror

THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG POST  😍 I’m an everyday woman from Pakistan, and also a hobby baker, it is my own form of therapy. For the most part I like sharing beauty and health DIY recipes letting you know what I do and don’t . Basically, this blog is supposed to be fun and informative for all of you! I would love to hear from all of you, so feel free to ask and comment and I am always open for suggestions. Stay Beautiful ! Love from   Beauty Mirror .