Feel Better: Eat Healthy Diet

Feel Better: Eat Healthy Diet

Try these foods that regulate blood sugar and chemical levels in the brain to keep stress and mood swings going.

Feeling low? What you eat can help you to feel good. Research has shown that certain foods have the potential to increase memory. Of course, diet should not replace medicine - if you have been diagnosed with depression, be sure to follow your doctor's entire plan. Alternatively, consider including the following foods in your diet. They can help you feel better, no matter if you are depressed or just want to improve your life.

Fit in fiber to feel good

To maintain a stable mood, you want to maintain your blood sugar levels. Eating slower foods to digest will help you do that. ”“ Eggs, oats, brown rice, apples and other fruits and vegetables are good examples of fiber. “High-fiber foods are also an important part of a healthy diet

Mix in a mood-boosting protein

Like fiber, protein can help you avoid blood sugar breakdowns. Some good sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, seeds and nuts, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese and milk, tofu and peanut butter. Ideally, you should combine protein and carbohydrates while eating, "Often this makes the difference in how we collect food. Combining protein and carbohydrates can help slow down digestion and help you maintain a healthy blood sugar level. "

Skip the sugars

Avoid concentrated sources of simple sugars such as soft drinks, fruit juices, jellies and jams, syrups and candy bars. When you eat these dishes, it's like taking a direct dose of sugar

Go for Acid Acids

Omega-3s, essential fatty acids found in walnuts, flaxseed, and cold water fish, such as salmon, are best known for their ability to promote heart health because they are sensitive to mild blood . However, omega-3s have also been shown to help people feel healthier and they should be part of every diet. Many nutritionists recommend eating fish three times a week. Not supporting sweet taste? Can get omega-3s from fish oil diet.

Don't worry, "B" is fun

B vitamins, including B6, B12, and folic acid, play a role in producing brain chemicals that control the weather. Especially if you are depressed, make sure you are eating a diet rich in vitamins. Good sources of B-rich vitamins include shell, chicken, eggs, low-fat yogurt, and strong breakfast cereals. Folic acid is mainly found in leafy trees.

Eat Well, Have Fun

There is no question that what you eat affects how you feel, and a healthy diet helps you feel good. The healthiest diet is one that emphasizes whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables and includes lean proteins and fat-free or unsaturated dairy products. Combine healthy nutrition with regular exercise, and you will find that it helps your body and your body.


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